NIOS Study Centre
What is NIOS ?
The National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) is one of the three National Boards of School Education and it has been vested with the authority to enroll, examine and certify learner upto pre-degree level by Government Gazette notification in 1989.
The NIOS follows the principle of freedom to learn i.e., what to learn, when to learn, how to learn and when to appear for the examination are decided by the Learner. There is no restriction of time, place and pace of learning.
Open School / Home Schooling support
Parents home schooling their ward can consider NIOS courses at elementary, middle, secondary and senior secondary level as there is no constraint of attending physical classes in a school.
NIOS offers Open Basic Education (OBE) Programme, as an alternative educational programme, equivalent to the Elementary Education Programme of the formal education system with 3 levels as below for children below 14 years.
At the secondary and senior secondary level, students can register directly with NIOS and appear in the exam which are conducted twice in a year. Students who complete secondary and senior secondary education through NIOS can join colleges and professional institutions as NIOS has the same standard and equivalence as the courses of study of other national/ state level Boards of School Education.
For more details of the courses and programs offered, students can visit the NIOS website and download their Academic Prospectus.

NIOS @ Akshara
Akshara has been accredited as a Study Centre of NIOS for Secondary and Sr. Secondary course (with science) in English medium. School Principal is the designated coordinator.
Akshara believes that students who are not able to pursue classroom teaching process due to personal reasons like being busy in beyond curricular activities need to be supported by making our environment available to them through NIOS. The Open and Distance Learning (ODL) mode of NIOS allows them to pursue their education at their own pace and place.
The Admissions process in online and registration has to be on the NIOS site ( The student gets associated with our school by choosing Akshara International School, Pune as their study centre.

How can NIOS support home schooling / open schooling?
Parents home schooling their ward can use the curriculum of the Open Basic Education (OBE) programme, secondary and senior secondary exam syllabus as a framework for their child’s learning along with the online open educational resources provided by NIOS.
Can I register for NIOS through Akshara International School?
Registration for NIOS can be done only through the online web portal – or approach the NIOS regional office at Pune.
Do I have to pay fees at the school?
No. Fees needs to be paid directly to NIOS
Will I receive academic support from the school?
Yes. The school will arrange for sessions with the relevant subject teachers through a Personal Contact Program (PCP). All academic doubts and queries will be addressed in these PCP sessions.
When will the PCP sessions be conducted?
The PCP sessions are conducted on weekly basis for each subject. The time and date for each subject are fixed by the school from time to time as per the subject teacher’s availability, but it is flexible and can be modified on mutual understanding between the candidate and the teacher.
Where are the PCP sessions conducted? And will I require any additional resource?
Currently due to pandemic the PCP sessions are conducted online, hence you would require to have access to internet services and a digital gadget. In normal conditions the PCP session will be conducted on the school campus.
Will the school provide the textbooks?
No. The NIOS regional centre will dispatch the textbooks to the students directly. The teachers may recommend few additional resources for self-study
For subjects which involve practical, will the school provide the lab facility and resources?
Yes. For all subjects, which involve practical, the school will arrange for dedicated PCP sessions and provide hand-on laboratory / field experience as per the subject requirement.
If I have further queries, whom and how should I contact?
For further queries you can send an email to – or Ms Snehal Barnat at
For more details about NIOS and its programs, refer to FAQ in the Academic Brochure available on the NIOS website.