Parents Involvement
Parent Teacher Meetings
Akshara encourages and expects parents to be an integral part of their child’s education process. With this objective, the school plans Parent Teacher Meeting (PTM) on Saturdays and the days are scheduled in the School Calendar.
Teachers are available in the classrooms for interaction with the parents and no prior appointment is required on these days. The parents get to see their child’s classwork and can discuss concerns, if any, with the teachers.
The school is keen to continuously improve its overall program and the parents can share their suggestions in this regard with the teachers, administration or principal.
Parents can also volunteer to be part of the school activities by filling in the Parent Volunteer Form in the School Diary. The School administration will compile the data and reach out to the parents through the teachers.

Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
Every year a Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is formed by election of parent respresentatives from each class. The body meets regularly to review the progress of the academic program, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. The PTA members are invited as judges for various school events for them to get a first hand experience of the student activities.
The PTA meeting minutes are circulated to all members and posted on the school notice board. The feedback provided is taken up in earnest by the school and action taken is reported in the subsequent PTA meeting.